Monday 27 June 2011

Sam Phillips - The Brand!

Thing 3 is a wonderrful one - especially as it covers some of the things I raised in my last blog about remaining professional and being aware of what you are putting out there.

I havent yet thought of a perosnal brand but have come to the conclusion that I am a little to firendly and over zealous in my blogs - I give away far too much information about myself. Now I don't see this as a bad thing, I am comfortable with who I am and am thus happy to be myself. However having read the blog on thing 3 I do understand the need to have a professional face and for this to be consistent - Imagine being in an interview and they say "so tell us about yourself" and you respond with "I can burp the alphabet" or "I'm really grumpy on monday mornings" it may be true but it isn't something you want to advertise in a professional capacity. Therefore with all this in mind I am still going to be me but try to ensure that my blogs are relevant and helpful in a professional manner.

I did google myself in both my married and maiden name but after searching the fist 3 pages in google found nothing relating to me - I did find out there is an Amrican actress with the same name though. This is both good an bad - it means that so far as I know unless any detailed reserach is done my personal information is secured. Unfortunaltey it also means I have very little online presence- if i can't be found how will people know about me? so any tips on how to remedy this will help. I do have facebook, and now a blog, the next step will be twitter so maybe my online presence will grow during the duration of 23 things.

You may have noticed (those who have read my blog before) I have changed my background and colour scheme - I wanted something that reflected me a bit more and that is why I picked the orange background and pink titles, I am quite an optomistic and happy person and this background represent this without being too over the top. I have also editied my personal info page and cut out anything I felt was irrelevant or didn't feel I would expose in an interview.

Another realisation I came to was that all my email addresses start with sambird84@ which is my maiden name so it may well be worth changing that for future networking to prevent confusion.

If I had to describe myself  I would say I'm a good listener, organised, friendly and really helpful. So considering this I am going to adopt the slogan of a well known superstore that I worked in as a teenager and become - Samantha Phillips - always happy to help (is that alowed? or will people still think I work there?)
maybe a better one would be Samantha Phillips - Will do the best to achieve success. Yes I do quite like that.

So remember me -Samantha Phillips - will do the best to achieve success.

1 comment:

  1. i,m liking your blog page....i think i might learna thing or two from you!
    best of luck
