Tuesday 21 June 2011

Getting Started

Our college Librarian pointed us in the direction of cpd 23 and after having a look through it I thought it was definitley worth a go. It's been a long time since I've done any blogging and I'm even too lazy to update my facebook status regularly, so I'm hoping now that I have a focus for my blogging I may come to enjoy it again.

I am currently a Graduate Trainee  (albeit 5 years graduated!) in the Library at North Warwickshire and Hinckley College. I did my degree in Sociology but have always had an interest in books and have wanted to work in a library for many years so I have just started on the ladder of librarianship career-wise, but hopefully through my experiences at the college and the new things I am hoping to learn from cpd23 it will help me to develop a greater knowledge of library work.

I'm intrigued about Thing 2 and considering your personal brand as it makes me think of last years apprentice and "Stuart Bragg - the brand" which used to make me cringe but I suppose he has a point you need to have confidence in yourself and your skills in order to promote yourself and be successful in your career. I am also interested in Thing 4 - RSS feeds I know little about, Twitter I have managed to avoid so far  and Pushnote I have never heard of. Generally I am looking forward to all the 'Things' and actually getting a little bit excited at the opportunity to network and learn some new (much needed) skills.

So that's it for thing one. I welcome any comments, advice or suggestions for ways to improve. I will be back again for thing 2.


  1. Hello :)

    Just wanted to say well done on getting started with the cpd23 things. I was a graduate trainee a couple of years ago and finished the library course last year so I know the path well! It's really interesting to have a look at everyone's blogs :)

  2. Hi, Just to say you're not alone in the "unsure" what to say department. I stressed about what to put in my first post for cpd23 and I've been blogging for ages! Well done for taking the first step. I'm with you on the RSS feeds, can't seem to get my head around them!
