Friday 24 June 2011

comments, compliments and complaints

As promised in blog entry two I looked at more blogs last night and was brave anough to comment on two who had similar concerns to me (like what to blog about, what are people thinking when they read my blog etc).

 It's a little disconcerting to know that whatever I say is then out there in the ether for anyone to read, imagine if i'm having a bad day or don't agree with how things are done at work and I decide in the moment to blog about it - what if some-one from my work then reads the blog? I know I need to be a reposnsible blogger and really shouldn't write about anything I don't want anyone to read but sometimes my fingers run away with me.

In a way it could work out well - I mean if I am unsure about something and blog about it then at least I have the support and advice of other bloggers. I do think that you have to be balanced too its all good and well to come on and rave about new technology or great courses but if this is supposed to be reflective development you need to blog about the not so great stuff too so that when you do reflect you can consider what you need to improve either about yourself or in your workplace.

so with that in mind I intent to blog as I would speak (does that make sense) in that if it is something I would say to a colleague or family member it can go on here, however if it is something I would think twice about saying then i will keep that to myself.


  1. Hi Sam, I'm visiting some random blogs as part of Thing 2 and arrived at yours. I think in this post you have expressed some of my feelings about blogging very succinctly. The permanence of anything out there on the internet means that we need to think very carefully before we blog.

  2. Very good point. I've had my liby blog for a few years and kept it secret from everyone at my last work. Had to use the blog for my job int here tho so that kinda blew the racket on it lol. Oh well...

  3. PS. Yes, I too came across your blog randomly whilst going through the FE participants cpd23 list.
