Monday 4 July 2011

Thing 4 part 2

I got round to signing up to twitter this evening. it was a pretty quick and easy process. I took some advice from other blogs I had read about being consistent with your branding so you are easily identifiable on various social networking sites. It took a little while to get a name I wanted but was pleased to settle with @sam_phillips84.

I designed my page with a similar colour scheme to my blog with an orange background and pink text again to help build a consistency across my online presence. I still haven't uploaded a picture as I don't have an up-to-date photo.

I also didn't get round to exploring pushnote - but I will leave that for another night now.

I have resisted joining twitter for quite sometime but was quite delighted when after posting on Facebook people started following me  pretty quickly. I was also quite chuffed at being able to follow Stephen Fry who I do quite admire.


  1. I resisted Twitter and it took me a while to work out what i wanted from it, but now i've got it hooked up to my phone and find myself browsing on the train or at lunch time. I think its just about getting the balance right and looking at my twitter account today for Thing 4 it made me realise i needed to sort my lists out! Good luck with CPD23 - i have explored pushnot tonight and am not sure i get it!

  2. I decided that in the end Twitter was a good way fo enhancing my online presence, I also joined LinkedIn for this purpose also. I just thought the more I get out there the more likely I am to be spotted. I haven't attempted Pushnote yet it looked a bit confusing so maybe when I have more time to explore it I will give it a go.
