Before we moved to our new Hinckley site in September we had to reduce our book stock by a large amount and as withdrawla were done in a bit of a rush before the move there have been some inconsitencies between our catalogue and our physical stock. So it was decided that this week whilst the students are out of college we would do a stock take. I have done stock checks before in previous job roles, but usually not on sucha huge scal and in more of an inventory style. This time i got to use a hand held scanner to scan the accessions of all our books - now this was quite fun to begin with but by the end of day one (and 2164 books under my belt) the novelty had worn off, my arms were aching and I was dog tired.
On day two I thought I wuld learn from my expereince on day one and try it differently - this time instead fo trying to hold heavy artbooks in my hands whilst scanning I utilised the trolley - this was slighlty more comfortable although still gave my arms a work out.
Today I completed the stock take of 6000 items and was vey please with my achivement. Admittedly this is not something I would relsih doing on a regular basis but I enjoyed getting up close and personal with our book stock - I have never really taken the time to really look at what we have and this was the ideal opportunity to look at what we have to offer the students and also at what books haven't been taken out in years I know feel I have a better knowledge of our books and feel I could reccomened books or at least a sleection of books for students if they had a query rather then just relying on the catalogue.
It has felt like a long three days but it is great too look around now and have a sense of achievement that I have scanned just about everything in our Library, as well as feeling confident about advising our students about our books and as an extra bonus I will have wonderfuly toned arms.
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