Monday 10 October 2011

Library routes/ roots

Well this should be a relativley short post as I have only just lain down my roots so to speak. I got into Library work through determination and passion. I always loved books and Libraries as a child - there's nothing like the excitement of being able to go and pick as many books as you like (well that the card will allow) and take them home for free! and as I was a big reader I quickly out grew the books in our primary school ( and the teacher had started to bring books in for me to read!) so joining the library as a child was magical. Then at upper school it became my sancturary I worked after school so liked to crack on with my homework during Lunchtime and I alway retreated to the Library to either use the computers or the books needed for my lessons. It is also where I first discovered Sherlock Holmes so again it holds fond memories.

Like most other blogs I have read I had no idea that there was an option to do a degree in Library or Information studies otherwise I would have been there straight away, as it was I didn't know and so happily did a degree in Sociology and again made extensive use of the Library facilities. My friend worked as a shelf tidier and even though she reccommended me any time a vacancy came up I was never lucky enough to get interviewed, which was just as well really as I already worked in the student shop so would have had very little time to spare.

After University I applied for many jobs and I have been lucky in that all the jobs I have had I have enjoyed and always gained from them and during this time I regularly applied for weekend work in my local Library with no luck so when I finally got the job as graduate trainee at my local collge library I was amased as I thought my lack of experience may have gone against me, however it seems my passion for Libraries was enough to see me through.

My route from now is somewhat undecided - as I have blogged previously I doubt I will pursue a masters degree as I just can't afford it so I think I will just enjoy being a Library Assistant unless someone happens to offer me some funding for the masters.

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